The Description Of Paulownia Trees

By Harriett Crosby

Paulownia are special types of hardwood trees which are deciduous in nature. These paulownia trees have large leaves which are serrated at the ends. They produce a purple white flower which has an appealing scent. These varieties are very adaptive. They can grow in different soils. They can withstand above average temperatures. The size of these plants varies with age. An immature tree grows 15 to 18 feet in height while a mature one can reach a maximum of 60 feet above the ground.

The development of this precious tree dates back around 3000 years ago in Asian countries specifically China. The tree arrived at the USA in the 1880s by mere luck. In fact the leaves and branches of the tree were utilized as packaging substances to safeguard Chinese dinnerware on transit to USA. These leaves and stems while on transit used to shed seeds on the dinnerware and on arrival were thrown away to the farms in USA. The seeds subsequently sprouted to awesome Paulownia plants.

Paulownia plant ha the ability to develop in every farm land. Its development is estimated to be 8 to 10 years from which it is harvested. As soon as the harvesting is over, stump of the tree do sprout to a new plant. This provides the landowner with a benefit because they are not prompted to return to nursery beds to select new ones. Users of this precious wood used it to make home furniture, packaging containers and musical instruments.

The development of this tree offers several ecological benefits. They absorb various environmental pollutants like salts and hog. They control the water level. The reason being that their roots stretches so deep around forty ft. Eliminating almost all harmful salts that are in the water. Furthermore, the tree reduces soil abrasion.That explains why they are very popular in those areas that are prone to soil erosion. They hold the soil so firmly that no erosion takes place.

Even though these trees may develop on their own, they could be made to grow fast in case adequate conditions of sunlight, water and plant food are available. The soils should be properly drained. Care must be taken not to grow the tree in watery soils because it will be attacked by various fungal diseases which will lead to their death.

Sunlight must be 100%. You ought not to provide any kind of shading to the tree. Ensure that the canopy of the plant is actually above other plants. This guarantees that the plant obtains enough sunlight. The sunlight supports the plant in its own photosynthesis. Additionally, the light makes the plant to develop efficiently, achieving its hardwood characteristics.

The plant food is definitely the fertilizer. Ammonia nitrate is applied to the plant in the ratio of 30:0:0. This fertilizer provides the nutrient requirements necessary for this plant to grow. Also, this ammonia nitrate when used in excess has the effect of killing all the weeds which might grow around this tree.

Weed, pest as well as fungi need to be controlled in the early stages of this plant. Weed must be managed through tilling mowing, or even through herbicides. Pest control should be done on regularly using insecticides while fungi must be controlled by spraying the paulownia trees with the right fungicides.

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