A Plan For Retirement That Makes Sense

By Andrew Kraftt

Retirement in inevitable. Whether you retire wealthy or poor is your choice. Nobody wants to die penniless and poor and your desire to become wealthy and to secure your retirement savings is a wise choice. Educating yourself and worrying a little bit about your financial future now will motivate you to begin building wealth and assets that will pay you dividend when it's time for you to retire.

Being fearful and worrying about your financial situation when you retirement can either have a debilitating effect or a motivating effect. Choose to harness this fear and make it work for you. Think about how your life might be if you were forced to retire prematurely. What would you do? Would you have to become a burden to your children or family? If you wish to truly enjoy your retirement then there's no time like the present to begin to make financial plans so you can rid yourself of this worry.

Planning for your retirement can be an unpleasant subject but it's one that needs to be addressed. Hiding your head in the sand and hoping that you will inherit money or that your present savings will carry you through to the end of your life in insanity. Avoiding planning for your retirement is a plan for failure. Knowing exactly how much money you're going to need on a monthly basis and projecting how long that income will carry you is a basic retirement plan.

A budget might be a good stepping stone to creating a retirement plan or a financial retirement goal that you can work towards. If you don't have a budget or if you haven't done one in some time, there's no time like the present to start putting some numbers on paper. Take that budget and use that as a rough goal for what your monthly expenditures are going to be when you do retire. Modify your budget to fit the lifestyle that you want to live when you retire. Maybe your house will be paid for and you won't have the monthly expense of commuting to and from work. Keep in mind that your retirement budget doesn't have to be exact. You can modify it the same as you do your monthly budget. The goal is to get a good idea of how much it will take for you to live on a monthly basis.

Saving for your retirement should be your next goal. Where is this money going to come from and how are you going to generate the wealth that you're going to need to pay your bills. Your income from a job or career will be gone so you will be living off of your savings and investments. Now that you have a financial goal it is a simple matter of calculating how much money you need to have saved and how much money those savings can generate throughout your retirement. Often this is where many of us become nervous if we have only a small amount saved or we simply can't see a way to generate more income to put towards our retirement.

Going back to your budget and finding areas where you can reduce spending as well as doing some soul searching for ideas to generate more wealth should be your next step. Do you have a lot of credit card debt or are you paying a lot of interest every month on loans? Are you spending small amounts of money every week on things like eating out, entertainment or other luxury items? Eliminating as many things from your budget that might be eating up your income might be a good idea. That money saved can be used to pay off debt and then put towards your retirement savings. Working a part time job or starting a home based business might help you to reach your goal more quickly and both should be considered seriously if you have noticed that you have a lot of debt in your life.

Many of us feel the need to appear wealthy rather than to actually be wealthy. A new car, new clothes and a house in a prestigious neighborhood might portray the image of wealth but would you rather be wealthy than look wealthy? Think about that thought for a while. You probably see millionaires every day on the street but you would never know it from the car that they drive. They understand that having money in the bank sometimes means that you drive a used car and that you only go out to eat when it's a special occasion.

Next, investing your money is order to generate more wealth and assets that will pay you back when your income ceases is what retirement is all about. Ultimately, being able to live off of the earnings from these assets is your best case scenario. Having huge amounts of wealth saved and allowing those financial assets to pay you without you doing any actual work is what your retirement plan should look like.

Assets that you should consider that will generate wealth are mutual funds, IRAs, real estate and business ventures. Small business ventures can help you to speed up your wealth building as well as generate wealth throughout your retirement. Low risk investments such as IRAs and retirement savings plans are a good way of allowing your savings to grow while making keeping your savings just a little out of reach. Money held in these assets will be less likely to be spent so you can be sure that they'll be there when you retire.

Putting off planning for your retirement is something that many of us do. It can be unpleasant to take an honest look at where we are but once you see what your goal is you can do something about making your retirement dreams come true. The sooner you come up with a financial goal and begin working towards that goal the better. Procrastinating another year will only make finding a solution to fill the gap that you might seen in reaching your retirement goals more difficult. The peace that comes with knowing that you're doing something to bring yourself one step closer to achieving that goal can take all of that fear away.

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