Arizona Free Marriage Records

By Ben Kingsley

In Arizona, nearly all of the important documents of the state are conserved by the Vital Records Unit of the Department of Health Services. But, if you are searching for a specific marriage certificate, you can recover such from the Clerk of the Superior Court of the county where the nuptial occurred. The best part is that Arizona laws permit any person to reclaim a copy of any marriage decree. One can initiate his or her inquiry by browsing through marriage records Arizona.

There are two simple ways on how you can go about your request for a copy of a certain marriage report. First is that you can visit the Customer Service Center. The specific locations where you can get in touch with the above-mentioned agency are revealed in the website of the Clerk of the Superior Court. Second, you can order via mail. It is vital that you state the complete legal names of the husband and wife before the marriage. Also, you have to ensure that you include a self-addressed stamped envelope. You will be charged $26.50 for your mailed petition and this amount must be payable by check or money order. If you cannot provide a self-addressed stamped envelope, you have to pay an extra fee of $7.00 to defray handling cost as a replacement for the said envelope. For walk-in applications, payments made via credit cards are also acknowledged.

One can anticipate for a shorter processing period most specially if one can provide precise details about the names of the couple before their wedding and the exact year of their marriage.

You can also select whether to apply for a certified or uncertified duplicate. The uncertified copy can be made available to anybody but such report will not be acceptable for legal purposes. Such kind of document is generally used by people for the reason of getting information for genealogical research. A certified replica is usually printed on a superior kind of paper and exposes the seal and the State Registrar's signature. You can use this type of document if you want to claim insurance proceeds or if you want to change your name.

The complete name of the groom and his birthdate, the full name of the bride and her date of birth, and the date and location of their wedding are the typical data you can find in a marriage report. But then again, latest files may now comprise further details such as their place of residence and their corresponding occupations.

A free marriage records search can now be doable with the help of the worldwide web. An extensive online database is available to anyone who wishes to gather data in a quick period of time at an amount that is easy on the budget. Luckily, there are existing online records communities that offer their web facilities without any cost. So far, this is the best option you can have in recovering important data without spending too much time and effort.

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