Describing The Royal Paulownia Tree

By Harriett Crosby

The royal paulownia tree is originally from China and was named in honor of Anna Paulownia by her husband King Willem of the Netherlands. Easily propagated, it is famous for the large, fragrant blossoms it produces throughout the summer months and large fuzzy leaves. The Japanese people highly regard this tree for traditional and economic reasons.

When a daughter is born to a Japanese family they plant one of these trees for her. When she gets married the tree is cut down to create her wedding chest. Another legend says that if the tree is planted close to the house a phoenix will pass near and good fortune follows. You can find at least one item of furniture from this tree in nearly every Japanese home.

China has traditionally been the largest producers of these trees but population pressure has cut into the growth areas. America has adopted this tree as a cash crop that can be grown quickly and exported to international markets. Tree farms are being established as far north as Ohio.

Americans have also accepted the species as a nursery item. The promise of fast growth and large decorative blossoms make them a popular item for yards and parks. The leaves are also beneficial for industrial countries. Because of the fur like nature of them they attract and hold smog particles as well as dust and smoke.

Propagation of this tree can occur naturally through rain water or wind carriage. Some authorities worry that because there are millions of seeds produced each year from one specimen it will become a nuisance plant. It easily takes hold in areas that have been devastated by fire or flooding and thrives on hill sides and at the edge of forests. They have a very deep and sturdy root system but will not grow in shady areas.

They are very hardy in temperate zones and a seed base has been developed for colder areas that will with stand frost and snow. One of the issues with this tree is the branches tend to break in high winds. This creates a hazard for anything underneath from falling branches and makes a mess to be taken care of around the base of the trunk.

The wood of this tree serves well as a resource for surf boards and many nautical items. It also serves as a natural hardwood for warming homes during winter months. The Chinese have developed medicinal uses for the leaves as well. The processed leaf is used as a hair restoration ointment, for skin ailments and wound cleansing. It works especially well for cleansing infected ulcers.

The royal paulownia tree shows great promise as a new source of revenue for North America. The fast growth and easy propagation has opened markets abroad as well as at home. There is already a growing export market to Japan for cut trees that will be made into furniture and toys for that nation. There are also markets in North America for live trees as well as for cut wood to be used for manufacturing and other domestic uses.

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